Your request for help is is perfectly fine. Problem is you didn't explain what you wanted help for -- you asked "...Any idea what it is?..." -- and everyone has been wondering what "it" you meant. The dark areas might have been intentionally colored that way -- it's actually rather pretty to my eye -- so how were we to know this was the problem you were wondering about? In any case, you've clarified your concern, so now we can help you better.
If the only difference between the three batches was the fragrance, then the fragrance is the only thing the darkening can be caused by. Any vanillin content in a fragrance will cause some darkening, sooner or later. The pink (mica, I'm guessing?) might be reacting chemically with the fragrance to form the darker spots quicker, but the white is also likely to darken too. Give it a few more days and see.