Someone actually took a video of a USPS person in my neighborhood who had a parcel in his hand, did not want to walk up the driveway, and just kind of chucked it in the direction of the front door, it actually ended up in next-door's yard and created a brief Youtube furor. Not v. reassuring.
But the other delivery services are not perfect either, I live in an apt. and have a patio where I spend a lot of time. I order pretty much everything from Amazon (I have Prime, so it is fast and cheap and comes to your door), and saw one of the delivery guys leave a package - I was expecting one - on top of the general mailbox. Which is not good, lots of addicts/homeless folks in my hood.
So I called down to see if it was for me, and it was. He was pleasant, but said "Oh, I just left it here b/c there was no apartment no. on the label." Which there was, clear as day. That happens a lot. I do email Amazon when it does, but it is kind of a pain.