what do you listen to when you soap?

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Lately I have gotten into techno remixes of classical music. I made a Youtube playlist of them, and that's what I listen to. Seems to help with the creative process!

Can I have the link to your playlist?

I generally film my soaping so I don't really have a listening list, but I'm rather into pop-dance music right now - David Guetta, Flo-Rida, Calvin Harris, Swedish House Mafia. I don't know why it's so appealing right now but it is.
I like to shake the windows with my tunes but when I soap, it is pretty serious business lol! I concentrate and focus on my steps that I barely notice the tv.
I turn on Netflix and watch/listen to whatever TV show I'm into at the moment. Lately it's been the new Melrose Place lol
Soapin music here is new age/celtic--Enya, Loreena McKennitt, LOTR theme, and the like. Otherwise, I get too keyed up and things go sideways.
If I'm soaping during the day, that means my husband is watching the baby, so I'm listening for the inevitable question from him about where something is or what he should do next. If I'm soaping at night, TV from other other room, probably. I really should start listening to music while I work.
cursivearts, your cards are so pretty! I really like the dahlia ones, especially in turquoise, nice talent you have!!
Just realized I have an answer to this question. Since most of my soap making is on Saturday or Sunday afternoon golf is usually on. The kitchen and den are one open area so DH is usually watching golf. Doesn't matter to me what is on. When I'm soaping I'm in my own little world. :)