What do you buy in Bulk?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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I want to start buying in bulk since store prices keep climbing. Can you list where you buy your bulk oils, and also which oils are better in bulk? Maybe talk about shelf life if you know how long they last?

Thanks, guys!
Coconut oil, I think I got it last from Brambleberry because it ended up being the lowest with shipping. 5 gallon pail. Lasts forever as far as freshness. Otherwise I buy most other things in small quantities online, not too much bulk. I don't go through it fast enough since I don't sell.
Soapers Choice. For me shipping and cost cant be beat, and I generally get it the next day or the day after (since I'm so close).
I buy nearly everything in bulk. Columbus Foods is my go-to supplier for just about everything, the exception being olive oil - I can usually get that cheaper locally, once you figure in the shipping.
Bramble Berry since I live in Washington I get mine the next day and shipping is cheaper I buy CO, PO and Pomace in 35lb buckets. I mix the PO and put it in a smaller bucket that I keep with my soaping stuff. I have bought things from Soapers Choice aka Columbus Foods but it depends on shipping charges. Those are my go to places.
core oils, specialty oils, butters, sodium lactate: soapers choice: all my core oils except olive which i can get cheaper at wally world

eos: new directions aromatics, camden gray

fos: nature's garden, nda, peak candle

botanicals, activated charcoal, clays, micas: nda, soap making resource, brambleberry

specialty items e.g. molds, hard-to-find fos, really cool unique stuff: majestic mountain sage, brambleberry.

i don't buy anything from stores any more except the occasional bag of lavender buds or calendula petals if i'm low...
Oils, the basics that have a longer shelf life. I get my OO at Costco, but my CO, PO, PKO and any other oil is Soaper's Choice (Columbus Foods). I have purchased shea butter and cocoa butter from Shea n More. Their cocoa butter is now really expensive but I think the shea is in line with Soaper's Choice.
My core oils come in 50 lb. buckets from a company in Los Angeles. My large bags of lye I pick up. It's about a half hour drive. My olive oil comes from Costco, but I'm thinking of getting some from Soaper's Choice.
I'm fairly new to soap making but just ordered OO, PO, CO and Avocado oil from Soapers Choice. Received it the next day since I'm close. Just made up a batch tonight, so we will see how it works...