I recently purchased the following from them:
Northwoods Christmas - smells great OOB, very Christmas-tree-ish. Didn't accelerate or discolor my usually high-lard recipe. BUT - the smell morphed into a fake "Christmas store" smell and is super overpowering. Sent it to a friend's house to cure, and she's sending it back to me for the same reason. Hoping it softens and morphs back as it cures.
Champagne - smells fantastic OOB but haven't soaped with it yet.
Strawberry - smells very fake OOB but haven't soaped with it yet. Others have noted this is common with strawberry FOs. I got it to mix with the champagne and am going to follow the suggestion made by someone to put a few drops of each on a cotton ball to make sure I like them together. Otherwise, I'll use just the Champagne for now.
Sandalwood - smells good OOB but haven't soaped with it yet. Plan to do a test batch of this one and compare it to a test of the Mysore Sandalwood from Oregon Trail. That one smells super faint OOB but very nice. This one is stronger but just ok OOB. Will be interesting to see how they soap.