Well Philly, the Amish are actually Swiss and immigrated hundreds of years ago (becouse of differences in religion) to Russia and surroundings, but also amongst other European countries to the Netherlands.
Their way of life was not tollerated here (we're speaking about 1600-1700) so some of them joined the Dutch, and the ones who didn't want to moved to America.
Well, you'd have to know, we make a difference between softdrugs and harddrugs. Softdrugs is marihuana and pressed mariuhuana, we call that hash.
Plus that marihuana isn't legal, but the government has a 'tollerance policy'
We're aloud to smoke marihuana and hash from the age of 18, you can buy it at so called coffeshops where you have to ID yourself. These coffeshops are legal and pay tax, they are not allowed near schools and they are not allowed to own more than 5 kg at once. When you personally own more then 5 grams, it will be confiscated, or when you own a lot you will be arrested and you'll have to do some community service for a couple of hours.
You're not allowed by most local authorities to grow it in your home, because of fire risk. But the government allows 3 plants per household.
When you have a real marihuana plant, you'll be arrested and again have to do some community service, plus the government will calculate how much money you've made with it and you'll have to pay taxes :?
Smoking a joint once in every while it the perfect way for youths to rebel a bit
while their parents probably did the same back then.
Further, kids over here stay away from the real heavy stuff.
Tried my best to explane this all