Walking Dead

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Crafty Addict
Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
Wanganui New Zealand
Wow I am surprised by the fact that I have become a big fan of this series. My fourteen year old talked me into watching the first series on dvd with him and I was surprised at how quickly I got tangled up in it and was at the store picking up the second seasom before we were half way through the first LOL. Now I have to wait until next March for the second half of season three to air :( :( Anyone else hanging out for this to embrace the screen again!!!!!
Me too! Me too!
Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Dexter, and Sons of Anarchy...I think I'm living an illegal life vicariously through television...
I got my husband a Heisenberg T-shirt for Christmas ((My husband calls me Heisenberg when I have my mask and goggles on.)...between that and the 30lbs of lye in the house, I should be expecting a visit from the DEA, FBI, ATF, or some version of the three.
Hell, we could all use a little excitement in our lives...sounds like a little fun to a Former-Hairstylist-Stay-At-Home-Mom-Suburban-Soaper! :twisted:
Just kidding!
...Bejeebus, I'm getting paranoid now... :shock:
Yes yes me too....................I will surrender the kids, the house, the hubby, the dog but leave my foxtel alone or cable as I think you call it over yonder. Breaking bad is soooooooooooooo good..................guess I will have to amuse myself with soaping till all my favs return
I've never seen Breaking Bad, but I love The Walking Dead. I seriously hate that they're taking a break, especially with the way the last one ended. Ugh!! So frustrating.
When I start to go through Walking Dead withdrawal, I just check out old episodes on Netflix.

My mother recently got me started on American Horror Story. I just finished watching the first season & now will start with the 2nd. I loved the first season. So creepy :)
Genny said:
My mother recently got me started on American Horror Story. I just finished watching the first season & now will start with the 2nd. I loved the first season. So creepy :)
I can't believe I left out AMERICAN HORROR STORY!!! I love that show! Jessica Lange was great last season AND this season.
Man, between all these shows, how the heck am I getting all this soap done...not to mention the usual cooking, cleaning, laundry, parenting... :lol:
Someone at my work is downloading all the seasons of Sons of Anarchy for me. Can't wait!!!