Okay, that makes more sense that they are M&P most likely - I know notta about that.
However, below is a quote from a thread about shaving soap and the link to the thread:
"My 'secret' ingredient is 10% vegetable glycerin ppo. I learned from another soaper named Hanle that glycerin, along with a high stearic amount, helps to create a stable creamy shaving foam that that will stay suspended for a fairly long time without fizzling out. According to the guys over on Badger and Blade (a men's shaving forum), a good shaving lather should stay suspended for at least 10 minutes. Mine stays suspended for at least 15 minutes and could probably go on for longer if I had the patience to let it do so before washing it away. "
I do believe they're talking CP in the above discussion. Apparently this is not common practice to add the glycerin and many think it is useless to add it too, which was kind of my thinking. But I definitely wondered if I was missing something after seeing the ingredients lists in others' soaps and then seeing some of the shaving bar threads.
Thanks for all the input!