Using Juice Pulp In My Soap For Scrubbiness?

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Mar 8, 2015
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I was wondering.... When I use my juicer, there is a lot of left over that I usually that I take to my garden. Could I use that in my soap recipes?
Grapes for example?? Yesterday I mixed grapes, lemon and pineapple , delicious!!! I really wanted to use that as scrub in my soap?
I wouldn't use just the pulp. The reason is it is too thick and would be too difficult to mix into the soap batter evenly. Mixing evenly is imperative when using fresh fruits. If you end up with a clump of fruit or pulp in your soap it will begin to rot, can contribute to DOS and can even mold. You could however make a very runny purée, be sure to blend it well, however this will not give you the scrubbiness you want. For scrubby soap you can try a dry product like oatmeal, dried lemon or orange peel, even poppy seeds.
You could try drying out the pulp, breaking it up and putting it in at trace. Another option might be to mix it with a small amount of reserved oil to make sure that its properly "broken up", then add it late in the process after you've moved beyond stick blending.