If it came out okay or comes out okay then it's not a bad thing.
However, it is possible to over SB and cause problems, not the least of which may be burning out your SB. Do not operate it continuously but rather use it in 30-45 second blasts, and then wait 2-3 minutes before repeating. Stop using it if it gets warm or hot, and let it cool down or you'll burn it out.
I think of the SB the same way as my gas pedal on my car. The more you use it the faster you're going. You may SB away and suddenly find your soap seizing, with no way to slow it down. I'd rather sneak up on trace a bit slowly so things don't get out of hand. Over use of a SB could cause seizing.
I have a theory and no proof. I hear stories from newbies who got trace and poured it into their mold, but the next day it was all liquid and separated. My theory is that you can whip up your oils and lye water into an emulsion where air is incorporated into the mixture and the batter gets a heavier consistency. Think of making mayonnaise where you whip oil and vinegar and egg whites together. I think you can whip up soap like that if you hit it too hard with your SB and give the appearance of trace when it's not trace at all but rather just whipped up and emulsified. Anyway that's my theory to explain how newbie gets trace but next day it's all separated. None of my batches have ever separated so I don't know if over-use of a SB can cause what I theorize.
Anyway you should use your SB judiciously and in moderation. You probably can over-do it.