unrefind shea butter from Camden Grey

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I recently ordered some of their unrefind shea butter.

http://www.camdengrey.com/essential-oil ... fined.html

I've bought shea butter from numerous sources and I've always liked the scent. But this stuff stinks! I can use it in my soap no problem since the scent goes away but I tried some whipped butter with it and OMG I can't stand it.

Has anyone had this experience? I guess all un refined shea's are not alike? I prefer to use unrefined due to less processing.
You should email them and ask if that's normal, because it doesn't sound like it should be. :shock:
Unrefined does have a distinct odor. The refined is more neutral-smelling. Might just be the nature of the beast. I've only used CG's refined so I can't be of much help.
I have only purchased unrefined from Shea -n- More. It has a very strong scent, I had to get used to. It even has some black spots of fire char. It is as unrefined as it gets. Sort of smokey smelling. I got used to it and actually like it now. But using it in anything but soap, I can see it overwhelming the scent. Mine is a dark yellow.
I've never had refined that I know of. All the others I've used have ranged from ivory to yellow and had a nice easy natural almost sweet type of smell
Hard to described but now that you mentioned smoke like that kinda rang a bell

I definitely can't use this in anything other than soap
Maybe I never had the real thing before ??
When I got my first order from Shea -n- More, which my friend recommended, I hurried and emailed her to make sure the smell was okay, and the look. The other stuff I had bought was the refined versions. Now I prefer it as close to the source as I can get. As for skin healing purposes, this is much better. I have used it on my face straight. You will get used to the scent!
I have only purchased unrefined from Shea -n- More

The yellow smokey smelling should be Kpangnan Butter which is not actually shea. It is from the African Butter Tree (Pentadesma butyracea) along rivers of central Togo. Shea is usually from the Savannaha area of West Africa mostly Ghana. Kpangnan smells smokey whereas raw shea usually smells nutty. I absolutely love Kpangnan Butter. Make a layered soap with kpang and shea unfragranced since kpangnan holds it fragrance
Ouch, I just looked at the price of it at Shea N More. I pay $3.00 per lb and buy 35 lbs at a time. Both my raw shea and kpangnan contain plant material that I just strain out