Most of the scents we use have recommended maximum of 3-5%. We were looking to purchasing from The Flaming Candle, as they have such affordable shipping, but when we checked the percentages for usage of the FO, it said you could use 40% etc. It seems crazy, because to us that seems like it means that if you were doing a 100oz batch, you'd need to do 40oz of FO. What are we doing wrong?
Edited because I asked my 15 year old to type it for me and it wasn't very clear
Most of the scents we use have recommended maximum of 3-5%. We were looking to purchasing from The Flaming Candle, as they have such affordable shipping, but when we checked the percentages for usage of the FO, it said you could use 40% etc. It seems crazy, because to us that seems like it means that if you were doing a 100oz batch, you'd need to do 40oz of FO. What are we doing wrong?
Edited because I asked my 15 year old to type it for me and it wasn't very clear
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