tried to make bath fizzys by soap queen

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
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south east texas
I tried to make bath fizzys tonight. its humid here in southeast texas. so it didn't work out.. they started swelling in the mold :cry:
anyone know a use for all the citric acid I have left?
or a solution to making it work ? up for any suggestions :D
Not sure on a solution since it is humid, but you can make bath salt fizzies!
If you have a dehydrator and a bread proofing setting on your oven, set the bath fizzies in there to dry out. You might try adding less liquid.
I'm with Agriffin, I've given up also.
Even the moisture from my breath alone would b too much moisture here.
i was looking on net for uses of citric acid & came across 1/4t and 1/2 cup pulverized strawberrys in 2 lbs of soap ..
anyone try this ? just wondering
It is super dry here ( at least it is indoors!) and I am so frustrated by bath bombs. Not as easy as it looks!!! I love the smell of them and my FIL just loves the ones I made him a few months back (I usually get one or two to turn out!). If anyone can tell me the "secret" I would appreciate it!!
Wow I just posted how simple I thought they were. Maybe I had beginners luck. I did add some glycerine to mine. Who knows if it will work or not. I sure hope so.
cwarren said:
i was looking on net for uses of citric acid & came across 1/4t and 1/2 cup pulverized strawberrys in 2 lbs of soap ..
anyone try this ? just wondering
The strawberries will still oxidize and make your soap turn brown. They won't add any scent either. Maybe some scrubbies from the seeds.
I like to mix up some regular bath bomb mix in a bowl, but then throw it in my toilet (without shaping it or anything). It cleans under the rim area where I can't reach with my brush! and so fun to watch!
tasha said:
I like to mix up some regular bath bomb mix in a bowl, but then throw it in my toilet (without shaping it or anything). It cleans under the rim area where I can't reach with my brush! and so fun to watch!

Thats a cool idea Tasha.
It is also very humid here (I'm also on the Gulf Coast). My first batch was a bomb! They were horrible to say the least and they got bumps all over them. They actually ended up being completely mushy.

I did try one recipe that worked out very well for me. I didn't use any witch hazel at all... only the almond (or grapeseed oil) and the fragrance oil. Then unmold and put in the pre=warmed (but turned off) oven to harden up.

Also somewhere else I read that if you like in a humid area, add Epsom Salts to your recipe. So I tried that and it worked really good for me. You might trying google-ing for bath bomb recipes that contain Epsom Salts and see what you can find. I didn't have ANY bumps on my bath bombs at all when I used the Epsom Salts!
Hello! (I'm new)

I found a no fail bath bomb recipe on a craft web site which is excellent and all my bath bombs now turn out perfectly. I also use some stainless steel bath bomb molds which are much better than the plastic ones.

I'm not sure if I can give links to either, unsure if it's allowed on here?