Transparent shave soap

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Apr 21, 2024
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United States
I would like to make a transparent shave soap and was wondering if anyone had any experience. I am not 100% on how exactly transparent soaps are made, but they seem glycerin. Would a 60% stearic acid, 20% beef tallow, and 20% glycerin formula work to create a transparent soap? Any help would be appreciated. Additionally, if it is possible to create a clear/transparent soap that is coloured (e.g blue - kind of looking like a jolly ranger or a glossy gummy bear) I would appreciate it! Thanks
No, that formulation won't work to make a transparent soap. I use around that much glycerin in shave soap, and it's definitely opaque. You're going to need a much higher solvent load.

I can't offer more advice -- a transparent shave soap is not a direction I've ever thought to go and I can't say I've heard anyone else mention it either.

My guess, with this extremely high stearic acid content, it's going to be tough to make soap that's even vaguely translucent, much less transparent.
No, that formulation won't work to make a transparent soap. I use around that much glycerin in shave soap, and it's definitely opaque. You're going to need a much higher solvent load.

I can't offer more advice -- a transparent shave soap is not a direction I've ever thought to go and I can't say I've heard anyone else mention it either.

My guess, with this extremely high stearic acid content, it's going to be tough to make soap that's even vaguely translucent, much less transparent.
I essentially want my shave soap to have a glossy/glaze finish like a mirror cake, which is why I wanted to a pour a thin layer of a transparent shave soap to achieve that look. Any ideas on additives or finishing touches I could do to achieve that?

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