I know I've been a little bit sensitive to comments this week and I want to apologize if I have managed to hurt any feelings. I had an 18 year old poodle who has been in controlled congestive heart failure for the past couple of years; the last few weeks he started having more bad days than good and this week I had to struggle with the decision to let him go, today was that day. So I'm not making any excuses, but if I've not been fully myself I wanted everyone to know why. This was the dog that turned me into a total dog person, before I had been a cat person and although I still love my cats I understand and appreciate what being a dog person is all about and why.
Okay enough sob story crap - I just needed people to understand why I may have been a little "off" this week.
Okay enough sob story crap - I just needed people to understand why I may have been a little "off" this week.