I am so sorry,
@tammy sue starks, that you are having to go through this. I was with a violent alcoholic/addict and I left him for the safety of our child. He is still struggling with his demons, in and out of treatment, jails and 12-step fellowships. I have been in recovery for nearly 17 years for substance abuse and also bi-polar. It breaks my heart to watch him and see the damage it has cause in my son’s life.
I know many people who are unable to help themselves even though they desperately want to. Those moments of lucidity are clouded by a diseased perspective. It’s like I’m good when I’m taking my meds and then I think, oh, I’m doing great, I don’t need them anymore. There’s something going on in the brain that needs treated. Alcohol/drugs just exacerbated the issues.
I think Al-anon would be a great support system for you, even if he doesn’t want to get help. I know that AA/NA doesn’t jive with everyone. There are other programs to help with sobriety, even Moderation Management. Alcohol is the one drug a person can die from withdrawal.
I hope that you consider getting help for yourself and keep reaching out. (Hugs)