This might be a disaster....2nd UPDATE!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Southeast Michigan
But here it is, in the mold. LOL! I wanted to make a natural "Farmhouse" (or something like that..shepherd, farmer...I'll figure that out later) soap using goat milk & lanolin....and with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice with rosehip powder and rosemary powder. I know...I kinda went off on several tangents at once. But here it's hard to see in the pic but it's actually a (I'm praying) tone on tone ITP swirl with just the natural colors of the stuff I used. I put star anise pods on top for no good reason too.

Say a prayer on this

This is the first time I've used lanolin in a soap. Please tell me the barnyard smell dissipates in the saponafication process because it smells like straight up sheep ass in the canister. LOL! (Sorry...language...ahem)

If anyone's used lanolin, I'd love to hear what ya think of it...

Re: This might be a disaster....

LJA said:
This is the first time I've used lanolin in a soap. Please tell me the barnyard smell dissipates in the saponafication process because it smells like straight up sheep ass in the canister. LOL! (Sorry...language...ahem)

If anyone's used lanolin, I'd love to hear what ya think of it...

LOL!!! I bought some lanolin just because. It smells like sheep ass IN the container. I don't dare put it in anything even though it is supposed to be great for the skin. I can't imagine having it in a leave-in product. BLAH :shock:

It sounds cool though! Can't wait to hear about the sheep stench, oh and the soap! Love the color!
Prayers being said , the soap looks great .I am sure the smell will dissipate.I have an unscented hand cream with lanolin in it and it does not smell like sheep ass..LOL.

UPDATE!!! isn't lookin' good, kids. LOL! I don't think this is just "gel" color either. I think I'm going to get soap that looks like roofing tar. ACK!
:shock: I'll post the cut pix when I do it in the morning. Ugh.

Re: This might be a disaster....UPDATE

LJA said:
...and with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice with rosehip powder and rosemary powder. I know...I kinda went off on several tangents at once.

... it smells like straight up sheep ass in the canister. LOL!

:shock: Fortunately I don't know what straight up sheep ass smells like... unfortunately I can imagine. :wink:

I know what you mean about tangents. I seem to get all these great ideas at once and have to resist the urge to put them all into one soap. I keep a notebook and from front to back I write down the recipes I DO make... but from back to front I write my brilliant :idea: ideas for my next batches.

Even if this doesn't do what you hoped... all is not lost. Last week I made the most god-awful purple people eater soap (ugly and stinky strong FO). Two days ago I grated that up into a new batch of pure white soap and after unmolding today I think it is my prettiest soap ever.
Heh...hard to make the definitive call under the saran wrap, but all signs point to an ass-free soap at this juncture.

Here you go...

The one on the left is the original Ugly Purple People Eater soap. The FO accelerated trace like you wouldn't believe and I never got to do the swirl I intended. You can see how on the edge where it just glopped into the mold and didn't smooth out. The FO was also a little overpowering.

So I made this new batch with a touch of TD, no added FO, RTCP, Large shred on the purple soap added just before pouring, and popped it into the fridge to prevent gel.

The strength of the FO is just right now and I think it's darn purty (though it needs to cure a bit)!
Okay here's the cut. Slab of bacon or chunk of fatty marbeled procuitto anyone? LOL! Bizarro.

On the stink front - The lanolin funk seems to have pretty much dissipated. If you're lookin' for it, you can probably detect a hint of the barnyard smell (See: Ass, sheep.) but nothing offensive.

I had to 86 the anise pods for various reasons I won't bore you with, too. I'm hoping the color improves (or miracles are bestowed) in the curing process because I don't love it. I feel like I need some A-1 sauce and a cardiac stress test just looking at it. :lol:

You know what? I quite like it - the marbled effect is really quite pretty. Your comment about bacon cracked me up, but when I look at it I see a red granite or marble. So if you really, really, really hate it - well I'm pretty sure I can find a home for your orphan babies..... :wink:
It looks more on the side of peanut butter - chocolate swirl than bacon to me!
I rather like it too!!! So thrilled it doesn't smell like sheep ass! I might have to try some sheep ass to mine now :lol: I guess you will now have to wait to see if it is what you were hoping for originally. It is natural looking, though. Love it!