I was showering with this soap "Casmere Silk" and there she was staring back at me! I just had to take a pic before her face disapeared with use. Now I always look for faces in all my bars lol!
I think she's a Death Metal fan wearing corpse paint...what? Is it just me? Picture it in black and white.
Or maybe its like the "Jesus Toast"...it's the Soap Goddess incarnate! She protects your soapy endeavors and defeats the soap gremlins. That explains your beautiful soaps!
Or maybe, just maybe, the lye fumes have finally pushed me over the edge...:shifty:
ETA: My son just informed me that I should have said Black Metal...Death Metal fans wouldn't wear corpse paint. I just lost coolness points. Wa-wah.
To redeem myself, I will give you the link for Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin) for reference :lolno:: http://www.last.fm/music/Per+Yngve+Ohlin