The yellow dock experiment, part deux...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Southeast Michigan
'Morning, all.. :D

So some of you were curious about yellow dock powder and remember my last failed attempt, so I tried it again yesterday. I used Surf Girl's suggestion of coconut and olive pomace (thanks, miss!) for whiter soap , and I did the correct amount of yellow dock powder this time. I still don't think it's pink enough compared to Surf Girl's. More of a "dusty rose", I'd say. The coconut and opo did make a whiter soap, but there's still a hint of yellow.

It's not godawful, but still not completely what I was after, but.....whatevs, right? LOL! It's okay. I'm gonna get the actual root next time. The green things uptop are just leftover chunks of an older batch, and it's scented with a chamomile and neroli EO blend, which kinda makes me gag. LOL! (Some EOs don't do it for me, but people dig 'em)


Whoa !! Those are perfectly beautiful , I am really liking the yellow dock color . You rock..

Very nice!!

If you want a nice light "dusty pink" colour, try using french pink clay!
Must be whiter must be whiter must be whiter -hahah, I can just imagine you scrubbing your soap white!
This soap is a work of art :D 8)
those are gorgeous! my first experiment w/ yellow dock was a complete failure! tell me again how much yellow dock powder you added ppo. also did you add to the lye or at trace? if you added to the lye, did you add when it was real hot or wait for it to cool abit? i added mine when the lye was freshly made and it gave me more of a light brown color.

your coca line is gorgeous....a la surf girl. very very nice. you can be proud!!
Mmm! I am giddy! Been too busy to get more batches going, and now working on my day off. I can't WAIT to try this. Again, another lovely batch! WTG!
That soap rocks! I really like the dusty rose color in contast to the cocoa line. Great job! :)

rubato456 said:
those are gorgeous! my first experiment w/ yellow dock was a complete failure! tell me again how much yellow dock powder you added ppo. also did you add to the lye or at trace? if you added to the lye, did you add when it was real hot or wait for it to cool abit? i added mine when the lye was freshly made and it gave me more of a light brown color.

your coca line is gorgeous....a la surf girl. very very nice. you can be proud!!

Hi And thanx! :D (just got in from out of town so I'm lagging on posts here) I used 1 tsp. ppo BUT I think less might make it a lighter pink. I added it at trace (mix it in a little bit of castor or whatever, then throw it in). I probably added it at 115-120 degrees. Truthfully, I don't use a thermometer anymore...
Mine is browner too. WTF. (language again...). I think we need to try the root itself, next time. Thoughts?