The weather-very peculiar, don't you tink?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
South Bend, Indiana
Super-duper cool points if you can name what movie that subject line is from. I watched it at least 4 times a week when it came out on VHS! :wave:

Anyway, I put a bucket out a few weeks ago to catch lake effect snow (South Bend, we get the warm air off Lake Michigan) to melt down and run through a coffee filter to use in place of distilled water. Well, I just dumped it yesterday because of all the RAIN we are getting today, this morning before I left for work it had about 1/4 inch of water in it-I'm thinking it's going to be half full by the time I get home!

Then tomorrow it's going to cool back down and freeze. So to the folks who started the end of the world soap thread...I dunno, I might be one of those crazies the way the weather has been!:wtf:
My rain bucket is buried underneath the snow in this picture on the can kind of see the stem of a leaf that froze to it!
