The UPS person is torturing

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Nov 20, 2012
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They keep stopping in front of the house, and then running next door with packages...... Don't they know I am waiting on a package as well. ARGH! This is such torture.....:(
THAT HAPPENED TO ME LAST NIGHT! I had an email confirmation at work that my package was going to be dropped off between 10am-3pm. No package! Then another email came that said it would be delivered at the end of the day! At 7:30pm, it arrived. It was like Christmas morning! New oils and butters! Woo hoo!
Happened to me, too!

I found out last night that they finally delivered my new thermometer that I've been waiting ever so (im)patiently for! The only problem was, I had already made the soap and they put the package at the wrong door...grrrr! The waiting game is the worst!