I’ve purchased a recipe, but I could use more visuals. In the process, Iv’e learned a lot about ingredients that I’m appreciating. Thought maybe a video thread could be helpful.
Here’s one.
I don't need to press mine. Just make sure everything is melted and blended together well, and I just smoosh it down into the mold cavity with my hands while the mixture is still pretty warm. It gets less sticky as it cools and I end up with very little of it on my gloves (if you've ever made biscuits, the dough is like that). I don't think everything will blend together well enough unless it's heated enough to melt the SCI.
Also, aloe vera can prevent them hardening properly because it contains electrolytes. It is also not an ingredient that can stick to your hair through rinsing the way BTMS can, so it all gets rinsed out with the surfactants. Here's the swiftcraftymonkey Questions and Answers page on shampoo bars (the bit about aloe vera is a little before halfway down the page): Questions and answers about shampoo bars: The master list (updated October 23, 2020) – Point of Interest
Further down she explains why it's better to melt everything together instead of leaving the SCI noodles intact.