Sugar in soap attract bugs?

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Mar 13, 2013
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Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
I can't decide if this is a silly question or not, so I'll just go ahead and ask.

I read that sugar in soap really helps to improve the lather. I love lather but I also love hiking and being outdoors in the summer. Does anyone know if adding sugar to soap recipes attracts mosquitoes, gnats, and other pests?

Thank you in advance!
Do you mean attracts them to your skin? If so, then no more than any other soap.
I have never had a problem with bugs and my curing soap either. I did however have a rat problem with 100% tallow soap curing in the garage back in 1982! I lived in Florida at the time and they kept stealing it. :cry:
I haven't had any problems with sugar in soap. I also have sugar soap scrubs.

I have never had a problem with bugs and my curing soap either. I did however have a rat problem with 100% tallow soap curing in the garage back in 1982! I lived in Florida at the time and they kept stealing it. :cry:

Wow! I never thought about rats stealing soap. Fortunately, I don't have a rodent problem, either.
I am not sure, but I think that the lye would take care of the sugar's "desirability" to insects.
OMG! That reminds me of a day when I showered with a banana smelling shower gel before I went out to the ranch and I was "attacked" by the bees! Not really, but they looooooved the smell and I can't handle bees. They freak me out. Never again, I tell you.
Thank you all for the responses. I have definitely showered with products before that attracted bugs and thought i should ask. It sounds like no one had any issues with sugar in soap attracting bugs to their skin, which is great to hear.
...I showered with a banana smelling shower gel ... and I was "attacked" by the bees!...

Banana odor is similar to the "alarm" pheromone that bees give off when they are defending their hive from attack by an animal (or clumsy beekeeper). The beekeeper's rule is to never eat a banana before working with bees!

Lemongrass is similar to the "nasonov" odor that bees give off when they want to "call" their sisters to the safety of the hive. It is used by beekeepers to lure a bee swarm into a hive.
I have a friend that is just going to be starting out with beekeeping, I think I will pass along that information to him, he might find it useful.
I have never had a problem with bugs and my curing soap either. I did however have a rat problem with 100% tallow soap curing in the garage back in 1982! I lived in Florida at the time and they kept stealing it. :cry:

Had that happen when I lived in south Texas. Except it was 75 lbs of m&p. What a mess!
Well I have at any given moment hundreds of thousands bees flying all around my yard and I have never had an issue with them bothering me no matter what I use or put on. If I am carrying a sweet ice tea in my hand or a slice of watermelon then forget it! This is my side yard just about 60 feet or so from the house last year, we have twice as many hives out there now.

bee yard.jpg

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