well it's texas and it's been about 90% humidity for the last week and i guess it's that time of year.....when i soap it seems to take much longer to cure enough to unmold without the soap getting all squashed up....how is for you?
i generally reduce the water/lye to 2:1 or less. soap that fully gels seem to come out of the molds sooner.
after the gel and i remove the lid and place a small fan that GENTLY blows around my soap mold. this accelerates water loss. i use the fan after the soap is cut, too. AIR CIRCULATION IS CRITICAL!
since i stopped using crisco and soybean oil i do not get DOS. if you use any liquid oils other than olive oil like sunflower, i use HIGH OLEIC. this reduces the risk of DOS.
i line my molds with the thin plastic strips that are used for quilting templates. any hobby store carries them. they're also used for stenciling. the soap pops right out. i scotch tape the corners to make a rectangel and drop it in the mold. when you pour the soap it conforms to the mold. i use wax paper on the bottom or anoth plastic strip.