Soap Whiner!

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When I saw the topic title, I expected a post about a failed wine batch. :lol:

You know it never stops. You could have a shelf filled with FOs and still want more. BTW, I moved this to General Chat since it fits better into that category. I hope you don't mind. :D
I know the feeling. I am constantly wanting to expand my FO stash, despite the fact I have a bunch of 1oz samples from CandleScience's last sale. I'm contemplating making wax tarts for my friends who have a bunch of burners just to help get rid of them :lol:

However, I did just buy larger bottles (8oz each) of two FOs that I just love. I need to make a few new batches of soap using them, but I currently can't stand up long enough to clean my equipment from last week right now. Its currently still sitting in the garage waiting to be washed :D
Oh, this is so true. why can't we ever be happy with the stuff we already have?
unlucky for me, felted soap has now caught my attention as of very recently, soo..a i spent a quick $30 on wool roven on Tuesday..
same here, been whining "oh! I need that!" and "ohhhhh that would be really nice"... today I totalled up my expenses to date... YIKES! I need to go make a lot of soap and use all this stuff up before I spend any more money!

(and a whiney little voice in my head is saying "but you needed molds, and you still need colorants..." sheesh!)
My whining is doubled since I am heading into the archery season. New arrows, new string, a soap mold NOT made out of 2x4's and a cutter that doesn't double as my butcher knife. I am working a big detail this weekend that will set me up for awhile but, when you stop and think about it, we can get by on what we have. Do I really need new arrows and string? I don't sell my soap so I am sure I can continue to use my 2x4 molds and the only thing I truly need is new hunting boots. Remember when you first started soaping? I was happy to have 2oz of lemongrass EO and a stick stirer I found at a garage sale. :lol:
Oh I am just getting ready for my first order and I am already like that. My mom wanted me to simply get a kit, but i wanted more to last my mom gets so frustrated with me sometimes. But I have a feeling my entire craft budget each month will go on soaping for a few
Pepsi Girl said:
It's not whining you're just expanding your tool collection. My husband does that all the time! :D :lol:

Ohhhhhhh, I like that! I am so gonna steal that!