I made my very first batch of 100% coconut oil soap (in loaf mould). An hour after putting the batter in the mould, the soap solidified
BUT the middle portion of the top part sunk a bit ...
Is there any solution or a way to prevent this??
100% Coconut Oil
28% of Oil Weight - Distilled Water
20% Superfat
Oil & Lye MIXED at around 50C ~ 120F
I made my very first batch of 100% coconut oil soap (in loaf mould). An hour after putting the batter in the mould, the soap solidified
BUT the middle portion of the top part sunk a bit ...
Is there any solution or a way to prevent this??
100% Coconut Oil
28% of Oil Weight - Distilled Water
20% Superfat
Oil & Lye MIXED at around 50C ~ 120F