Soap Pot Weekend Sept 5-7

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Dec 21, 2006
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Whatcha' making?

I have to catch up on shipping before I can think about making anything :roll: . Grrrrrrrrr, shipping is no fun!

Then I need to make lipbalms and 1oz samples of lotion, massage oil & body mists in my Christmas scents. The Christmas samples I will include as freebies in all of my fall boxes.

I *may* make some fun halloween M&P w/ eyeballs & skeletons embedded.
M & P Halloween ...eyeballs... that sound really cool :) I've got to try out two batches ... and figure out which will be my main recipe for the craft show ...I have one that uses coconut oil as the sole "bubbly" and another that uses 16% PKO and 12% coconut; according to all the calcs this one with PKO will be a better overall soap compared to the recipe that I've been using recently. I figure I can tweak things around, but I have to pick which recipe is the best.

Other than that not too much .. we're supposed to get this tropical storm/hurricane...whatever it is .. hopefully we won't lose power.
I'm waiting for my soap package to arrive so I can make a variety of soaps.
I just found an 8oz bottle of patch my dear ole mom gave me 2 years ago. It's in an amber glass bottle and was in the little fridge downstairs - it should be ok. I hope I hope.

So, patchouli and orange for me....
Today I made 3lbs of CP with Lavender and Rose EO. It turned out beautifully.
I have orders to go out tomorrow morning, supplies to buy, stamps to make, creme to work on, new labels for smaller cream soap samples, 3 swaps to finish and then laundry.
I have an order going out tomorrow, and I have to fill and order this weekend, 2- 16 oz candles, however I am going to make me some yogurt & GM soaps this weekend. I have the yogurt & GM in the freezer already divided up. Now I just have to figure out which fragrances I am going ot use.... have any of you ever added pureed pumpkin into cp soaps, maybe as an add in omitting some yogurt out of it.... What do you think?
I'm hoping sometime this weekend to make a big batch of liquid soap for shampoo/shower gel since I finally got a big crock pot. Plus making some soaps for the fall.

I just made a batch of pumpkin soap with pureed pumpkin I used a portion of it as my water and added it at trace. It came out so good & you can really smell the pumpkin I didn't even add fo or eo to it.
I love those eyeball soaps, and the skeletons OMG they are awesome! My kids are freaking out and want some! Looks like I'm going to be doing some Halloween soaps over the next few weeks! LOL
I LOVE MP embed soap!! and yours are sooo cute - perfect for Halloween. :)
I'm thinking about making a batch of soap, but cannot decide on a scent to make it. The more I procrastonate on the scent, the more time slips by so I may not get to soap at all, but I do HAVE to make some conditioner and some lipbalms.
That's about all I have planned this weekend as far as projects go...
Those are so fun Tabitha....I'm thinking of doing HP skulls for our Halloween swap. Just need to find some soap paint.

This weekend, I made some soap for our local food pantry. I scented it with lavender, lime, and a touch of tomato leaf. I colored it with ultramarine blue. It's cool and fresh smelling. I'm happy with it. :)
I need to make another gallon of lotion/cream base. I have 100 bars of soap to label and shrink wrap tomorrow. We are doing our first craft show of the fall season this next Thursday through Saturday...attendance of 30,000 plus!
I need to make 3 batches tomorrow.....Applejack & Peel, my Puppy-Mint dogie shampoo bar, and a Twigs Berries scented batches. Wow, I just discouraged myself. :lol:

We have been doing a farmers market every Saturday morning for the past 4 weeks now. Here is a pic from last week;

Not bad at all! They only charge $7.00 for Saturday set-up, from 8 to noon. Today was a little slow due to rain that started mid-morning, but we still did $100 in sales, and today was the slowest for sales in the 4 weeks we have set up there. No complaints at all. :D

This craft show this week is going to run me out of soap I'm sure.
My body cream, lotions and milks have sold very well, as with my body butter. :wink: :D


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