Dear crafty people, Can I please hear from experienced shampoo bar makers? I make cold process soap and am now getting requests for shampoo bars. I've got a lotta totally noob questions! How do you use them? If you've made cold process soap, how does it compare to making them? In the shower, do you store it in a container or a soap dish? Do you make individual molds or one large one and then cut them? Is there a cure time, etc. OR just give me a link to a real good URL or YouTube or a post on here. I'd appreciate it!
I'm open to making them but likely won't use them -- my hairstyle is what I like to call "low maintenance" which is better than saying the b--- word. Thanks and enjoy your weekend,
I'm open to making them but likely won't use them -- my hairstyle is what I like to call "low maintenance" which is better than saying the b--- word. Thanks and enjoy your weekend,