So I know the general consensus on board is shampoo bars are bad for hair. I had my own issues with damaged hair from using them so I know the risks.
I have a skin condition on my scalp, normally medicated shampoos will get it under control but they aren't working anymore. I'm loosing hair and its not really growing either.
I absolutely need to get my scalp healthy and my scalp really liked shampoo bars. Previously I used Genny's recipe and quite liked it but I'm interested in trying different recipes this time, ones without butters in the hops of reducing film.
Does anyone have recipes they really like? preferably one with a bit higher cleansing then the genny bar? getting my scalp really clean and drying the skin out some would be helpful.
I've ordered some samples from a very popular company but its weird ordering soap.
I have a skin condition on my scalp, normally medicated shampoos will get it under control but they aren't working anymore. I'm loosing hair and its not really growing either.
I absolutely need to get my scalp healthy and my scalp really liked shampoo bars. Previously I used Genny's recipe and quite liked it but I'm interested in trying different recipes this time, ones without butters in the hops of reducing film.
Does anyone have recipes they really like? preferably one with a bit higher cleansing then the genny bar? getting my scalp really clean and drying the skin out some would be helpful.
I've ordered some samples from a very popular company but its weird ordering soap.