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Dec 7, 2010
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Hi Everyone, Posted a query here a few months ago on having free soap samples at the shop where I sell my soap, an established store in a resort area. The owner suggested samples as a way to improve sales. I cut small pieces to insert along with my card into a business card size plastic ziptop bag. This was somewhat labor intensive as the cards had to be trimmed a tiny bit and I labeled each bag with the kind of soap. Initially I took about 100 samples to the shop--which were gone within 3 days according to the owner. Unfortunately sales have not increased at all, but people continue come in asking for more samples! The owner now wants me to continue the samples but charge a little bit for them. Lesson learned, will not waste the time/effort again and certainly would not put a price on a sample of anything. Dissapointing experiment for sure.
There's no return on your investment with the samples. I wouldn't do it. Is the shop owner guiding the customers to purchase a full bar? It doesn't sound like it. So sorry to hear that. People are strange. Really. If you like the sample, then why not spend $6 or so for a full bar? It's not much and lasts so much longer!
In a resort area especially I can see that. Bummer. People leave.

Wouldn't do that again. The best "sampling" program I participate in is that I sell my soaps to a hotel that puts them in rooms along with my contact info people then purchase in the hotel. And order from home later.
I woman a recent market wanted to know how much my small sniffy pieces were at the front of each row (they were about the third of a soap bar), I told her they were for people to smell and not for sale. She just wanted to get the small pieces of each so she wouldn't have to pay full price for a whole one. Well, that isn't going to happen.

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