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Hi Seawolfe,

It's plain salt, no additives.  Last time I tried to mix the salt in with the main batter it came out as spots on the soap.  Do you think 10g of salt will dissolve enough in the 135 g of milk to not come out spotty?  I also add goats milk powder to my goats milk but I can keep some water out and mix that and add it directly to the oils if you think that is a better option.

Problem Solved (I hope).

I don't know if this will help anyone else because it is the sort of thing that only happens to me but I will tell you anyway, just incase it helps someone.

DH (ex high school science teacher) and dissolved my salt (which is "cooking salt" and says only "salt" on the ingredients) in water and there were grains still left in the bottom of the glass which he couldn't get to dissolve no matter what he did.  He poured some acid (vinegar) in and the grains dissolved immediately.

He mixed another salt solution and this time the salt dissolved completely.  When he added lye something precipitated out and formed a cloudy solution with some grains in the bottom of the glass.

Not sure what is happening but the "salt" is contaminated with something.

From now on I am going to stick to the more expensive sea salt. 

Thanks to you seawolfe, I will also dissolve my salt in the little bit of water that I reserve to dissolve the powdered goats milk and see how that goes.  If all else fails I will just stick to 1/2 goats milk and 1/2 water in the recipe.

I will confirm this tomorrow when I try a mixture of Sea salt with my recipe.
