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Glycerin can be used for mixing colors, but generally for cold process soapmaking you do not need to add as it is a natural byproduct of the soapmaking process.
I think some hot process soaps may also add glycerin to help make the soap more pourable (but take that advice with a grain of salt, it's been almost a decade since I made hot process soap).
Glycerin can be used for mixing colors, but generally for cold process soapmaking you do not need to add as it is a natural byproduct of the soapmaking process.
I think some hot process soaps may also add glycerin to help make the soap more pourable (but take that advice with a grain of salt, it's been almost a decade since I made hot process soap).
Oh I see . That does help 🧼

Thanks maple
I don't add glycerin to CP or HP soap unless I am aiming for a product such as M&P soap. Glycerin is a natural byproduct created in the soap making process.