I wanted to get some input from the group about rebatching soap. I have only done it twice, the most recent batch I am working on now. I keep having the same questions running around in my head and didn't ask the last time. The recipe I used the first time was for a whipped batch where you used a mixer to whip it once it heated up. I was going to see what happened this time without using the mixer because I thought the soap was too light (as in weight). So this time I was heating up my shredded homemade goat milk soap (that had seized and had big bubbles in it) and I was adding 4 oz water per 1lb of soap approximately. It got warm enough that it melted and blended but it still had shreds in it. I heated it more and tried to stir them out with no success, so I gave up and used the mixer again. This time I put the soap in the molds and have been pressing the soap into the mold as it cools to make it more compacted. It seems like it will be heavier, not like frosting consistency as when i blended it. My first half of the batch i did yesterday and it is still not completely firm. The second half of the batch I just finished up a couple of hours ago.
How are you all rebatching? The goat milk soap had cured for about 3-4 weeks. Am I using too much water? Am I not waiting long enough for my shreds to melt? If you have rebatched is your rebatched soap lighter than a regular bar when you make it? Are you compacting it as it hardens?
How are you all rebatching? The goat milk soap had cured for about 3-4 weeks. Am I using too much water? Am I not waiting long enough for my shreds to melt? If you have rebatched is your rebatched soap lighter than a regular bar when you make it? Are you compacting it as it hardens?