Rebatching/Handmilled soap

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2007
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Made up a big ole batch of unscented cp soap to rebatch. I am a little confused as to how much liquid you add to the grated soap. I have found recipes that use up to a cup of liquid and oil per pound of grated soap. Another site says just a few tablespoons! Can anybody give me their experiences with this problem. Thanks in advance. :D :D :D
Ok since you made this soap yourself then you do not need to add too much liquid. Most suggest a tbsp or sprizting some water when needed. The reason for this is because when you make cp soap your not preparing them for rebatch which means you discount water. Even those books that suggest doing a lb of rebatch with 1 cup of water is way too much. Another thing to consider is how old is your batch of soap. If three weeks plus then you may need to add a bit more water. Start slow with 1tbsp of water then check in 1/2 hour and see how its doing. I purposely make handmilled soaps and I've tested a bunch of cp soaps but they discount water allowing me to add my amounts. That's my advice someone else may chime in and give you another so good luck!