Today, I finished my experiment. I started with about half a pound of coffee grounds and over 3 cups of cold water, after 4 days of brewing, I ended up with little over 2 cups of really dark coffee which I had refrigerated.
I chose to make a small one lb batch or 18oz rather. Needed about 6 oz of liquid for a 33% lye conc, so took 3 oz of this coffee, added my sugar, CA and SL in it, mixed well and poured in the oils. Measured out my 50% lye solution and went to work under exhaust fan. It did stink a little but nothing horrible. It ended up really deep, luscious brown but absolutely no coffee smell. So, poured in half of my 1 oz tester of coffee house FO from AHRE. No acceleration whatsoever. Lightened up 1 large and one small portion, poured in layers in my rectangular individual molds. I so wish I had done a bigger batch to go in my regular 5 lb mold and done drop swirls, but hey there's always a next time, well hopefully. And I still have lot more of that coffee left. Can't wait till I unmold and show it to you guys. Hope it doesn't lighten up while setting.
I think I like that FO, quite a bit.