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Active Member
Jun 19, 2010
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I am about to start making CP soap for the very first time. I have most of the equipment I need, but do have a few questions before I start.

1. Where can I purchase good lye? I heard that lyes purchased in retail stores, like Home Depot, add some kind of chemical that doesn't work well with soapmaking.

2. Can anyone tell me where can I purchase a good digital thermometer? I would like to know if I'm buying the right one.

3. I know that I should use a stainless steel pot. I bought a cheap one for $7 at a pottery store and was wondering if that's a good idea. I'm afraid that there's some aluminum mixed in there, and from what I heard, aluminum should not be used. If I purchased a bad one, can anyone point me as to where I can find a good one.

Thank you very much!
You can purchase sodium hydroxide at or

You can get a good digital thermometer just about anywhere, if you have one I'm sure it's fine, and you don't NEED a digital one. I have a regular cooking thermometer (with a pointy end that you stick in meat).

You can get a good stainless steel bowl at Wal-Mart, but you can also use a glass or very sturdy plastic bowl or pitcher. (just don't mix your lye in glass)
The one you have should be fine IF you can find somewhere on it that it says it's only stainless steel, if not I would not use it for soap.
I get my lye at ACE hardware--as long as it says 100% lye I use Rooto brand.
If you have Harbor Freight near you I highly reccomend shopping there.
They don't sell lye but you can get a digital laser thermometer for about $25 bucks. they also carry stainless steel pots which are very cheap.

Other soapy things I've bought there... rubber gloves, mitre box, eye protection, funnel set... probably more that I'm forgetting.

You can buy lye at Lowes or Home Depot or Ace if they sell it (many do not). But you need to be sure it is 100% Sodium Hydroxide. It should say that or Caustic soda. If you see any colored specks or metal shavings etc... avoid it. I think Rooto or Roebic are the common brands you might see. Once you get to the point where you are ready to buy in larger quantity you will get a much better deal at the online stores listed above or from a local chemical supply.

Good luck!
ToniD said:
I get my lye at ACE hardware--as long as it says 100% lye I use Rooto brand.

Me too. Mine (local ACE) keeps it in the back room so I have to ask them for it, and they know what I'm talking about. My experience has been that at Home Depot they are not 100% lye, and no one there generally knows what I'm talking about anyway when i ask for it.