problems w avacado butter picture added

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
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Ive had two batches turn out with dark brown areas, looking at my notes they both had avacado butter, one was hp the other was cp, but ive had some batches turn out fine, so is it the fragrance or what? the batches that were discolored were almond/pink sugar and ylang ginger. the same batch as ylang i made a sandalwood and that was fine! The spots dont smell bad, just look icky.

ok i used the peach one in shower and it had a weird smell, i think i will toss the whole batch, the one with purple spots seems ok.
I have never had trouble with avocado butter either . I would guess it was something in the FO's too.

Have only used avocado butter in cp soap a couple of times but it didn't change anything in the usual outcome. But Almond and Pink Sugar fos WILL darken your soap (haven't tried the other fo you mentioned), so could it maybe be that the fo wasn't fully incorporated & gave you those dark 'spots' ?? Do you have any pics we could take a peek at?
very strange that some bars are white w/ purple spots and the other is mauve w darker spots....hmmm i have no idea. i like the white w/ purple spots lots the one that has the dark spots the cp? i'm willling to bet it is......i think i've read that almond fo can darken in cp...not sure though
they are separate batches, the one w purple spots is lavender/cinnamon eo, high olive oil, with strawberry seeds(hp)
the other is lots of hard oils, cocoa, avacado butter.palm, shea, coconut, no olive.(cp)
any thoughts to what it is, it doesnt smell.
I colored with cheap soap color from michaels.
for the cp batch that had the dark spots, was the color a powder? when did you add it ? trace or lye? perhaps the color wasn't mixed all the way through and gave you dark areas? could be the discoloration of the almond/sugar fo....not sure. cp does bad things to color, for sure......
the color on the peach and tan one was liquid color from brambleberry, but the part that wanst colored has the issue.