Poor pupster...again

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2020
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We took a nap this afternoon, and when I got up, she couldn't walk. She follows me everywhere, so when I went to the door, I assumed she was behind me to go out to pee. I walked back toward the bedroom, and she was in the hallway on the floor...legs all tangled everywhere.

If any of you remember, last year she had "old dog vestibular" problems...basically an inner ear problem that gave her severe vertigo, which I thought she had a stroke. That affected her right side and she was crooked for a while, but has since recovered. Her eyes were also all crazy, I forget what that is called. She doesn't have that today either.

Today is different. None of her legs are working. She just can't get up off the floor.

I untangled her legs and stood her up and she walked wobbly to her water and drank, so at first I thought maybe a leg fell asleep while we were napping...then she collapsed again. But it's two hours later and she still can't walk right. All of her legs just give out on her.

I picked her up (which is odd, because she NEVER lets me pick her up) and put her in her bed, which is now relocated in the dining room with me right now. I had to arrange her legs to be comfortable. She won't even look at a puperoni. I put her water bowl next to her and she lifts her head every once in a while to drink. Eventually shes gonna have to pee, so I don't know what I am going to do about that...

She's 15ish. I told my boss the other day that Abby seems to be slowing down. She will only eat wet food for the past week or so, which she usually only gets dry. Wet is a treat. I thought she was being ornery and holding out for wet food...which she got cause she's old, and if she wants wet food then I will just give it to her. She always had a good appetite. She even ate a whole can of food just before our nap, so I don't know what happened in two hours.

Hopefully it is just the inner ear problem like last time, just different symptoms. I dunno.
I carried her out to potty, which she did.

She is basically just staying put on her bed. I even layed down with her and she didn't budge (she isn't a cuddly dog...never lets you lay with her). So I stayed with her like that for a while on the floor.

She is stomach breathing, but doesn't look uncomfortable at all. Just laying in her bed.

I held her hand for a while. I am afraid to go to bed because I don't want to wake up without her here. My friend John hasn't answered his phone. But he gets up at 5 every day so hopefully he will call me back (in an hour).

The cat knows something is wrong. She keeps walking by and sniffing the dog. Usually the dog sees her and just pops up and chases her and the cat jumps five feet up to her perch and taunts her from up there. They love each other LOL.

As I am typing, Abby got up and attempted to drag herself to the bedroom. I got her bed and picked her up to take her the rest of the way. I'm gonna blow up the air mattress and sleep on the floor with her.
I remember about the vertigo last time. I suppose it was her time now but that doesn’t make it any easier. I am glad you got to be with her and she let you be so close, and enjoyed the special food this last week. So sorry and sad for your loss!
Oh, no, I am so sorry😢

We get so attached to our animals. After all we are their guardians and love them as our own family. I know how sad it feels to lose a special dog. And you will indeed feel sad and a bit empty for a while.

But reading about what happened, one thing is clear; she had a human that took such good care of her, for the entirety of her life. And that is really all she needed from you. Even though she wasn`t a big "cuddler", she trusted you all the way to the end of the rainbow🌈

That is the best compliment any human can get from an animal in our care...
Buried her tonight in my back yard. Last night i positioned her in her bed so she looked so natural and comfy sleeping with her head on her “baby”….stuffed raccoon lol. Today she just really looked like she was sleeping, like i could nudge her bed and she would just jump up.

Sooo, she is laying 4ft down on her bed with her baby, and a blanket that i pieced together for quilting that i never finished, under a tree that i planted for Pam.
Buried her tonight in my back yard. Last night i positioned her in her bed so she looked so natural and comfy sleeping with her head on her “baby”….stuffed raccoon lol. Today she just really looked like she was sleeping, like i could nudge her bed and she would just jump up.

Sooo, she is laying 4ft down on her bed with her baby, and a blanket that i pieced together for quilting that i never finished, under a tree that i planted for Pam.
Made me cry. Sweet dreams, Abby! 😢
My sympathies to you & the cat. How are you both doing today?
The cat keeps looking for her. She sneaks around corners expecting Abby to pounce on her. I am ok…now. I was a wreck Sunday and Monday. All day at work Monday ppl kept trying to talk to me and offering condolences. Appreciated, but standing in a trauma bay was not the time to make me cry, especially when i wasnt supposed to be there to begin with…

I wasn't supposed to work Monday, but thats a whole other story Lol. So i ended up at work, which was just as well, cause i probably woulda just got drunk.

Came home from work and got super sad that my doggie didnt meet me at the door. Then had to bury her. My friend john helped me.

I was worried about what she looked like, so John went in the room to check her out. He came back smiling that just just looked like she was sleeping.

Half of me feels guilty for not taking her to the vet right away. If she were younger i would have. It was her time. She was 15 or 16. Her breed only lives that long. I really felt so much better letting her die at home in her bed. She didnt suffer. Short-lived seizure, some posturing and was gone. Lasted less than 5 minutes.

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