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It certainly is possible but PS80 isn't the grease fighter that Dawn is. 

I use a Foamer and a sponge for dishes. The Foamer contains whatever LS I have on hand -- usually 100% Coconut or Dr. Bronner's (Type) dupe. The ratio is 2 Tablespoons of PS80 to  2 teaspoons of fragrance in an 8 oz foamer that is 2 oz. LS to 6 oz. water.

I keep another Foamer of Dawn at the sink for greasy stuff. 1 oz. Dawn to 7 oz. water. :thumbs:

That being said, I'm currently test-driving an LS made with tallow & rosin. Amazing lather and the rosin is a grease fighter. Much like a detergent, rosin cuts greasy pans so they rinse squeaky clean with minimal effort.

If interested, you can read about using rosin in this thread.

HTH :computerbath:
