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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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OrangeSoap New April 1.

Orange soap was a success. Pressed a few overripe oranges, divided juice in water and juice, used water to Lye and juice in the oils.

My recipe 1lb: Castor, CoconutOil, Lard, oliveoil and PalmkernelOil. Juice 38% SF 1%.

Trace after 3-4 minutes, speed trace when I added FO, so there are a few air bubbles, but who cares ....
I demolded after 20 hours, the soaps were like hard cheddar.
The soap is more orange than the picture shows.
The middle row is a soap cut so you can see the texture inside.
Now, I just have to wait 6 weeks, but I am full of confidence.
And now I know how to use the rest of my overripe oranges

Billede018-600.jpg 24. Naranja 240313-600.jpg
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Those look good! And they sound good too! Good use of overripe oranges. Love the cute little shapes. Good job! :thumbup:
Very nice color! Did you get the color with just the juice? And does it have the orange scent still? Well done!
Thank You, Also for all the likes.

I've used ½% paella colour (tartrazina E-102) But that did not change much color in the soappaste.
I have added 3% orange FO - and yes, it smells and tastes of orange (no zap)

I have planed another 1 lb batch, without colour and without FO,
just to see the difference.
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Orange soap with higher SF

So, I made one more. Thanks to R&R for the Wilton Mat tip :thumbup:
Same reciepe, but with SF 5%, 3% orangepeel, no FO, no color.

This one is a tiny little bit softer,
but with lovely scent, taste and color. No zap.
Rebatched 50 gr in a boilingbag, and tried it.
Bubbles a little less than the first one, but a bit more creamy.
I think, this is going to be a hit.

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Just to let you know.
Have tried both soaps after 6 weeks curingtime.

The first orangesoap, with SF1% is a bit drying on my skin, good bubbles, creamy, no scent, maybe the orange juice neutralised the FO, don't know.

The second orangesoap with SF 5% is def. not drying, lots of bubbles, very creamy, almost no scent, just a bit when wet, maybe caused by the orangepeel.

Both soaps are the same color, as the day I made them. :thumbup:

I have squeezed, separated and frozen the orange juice from the rest of my oranges.
I will definitely repeat the orange soap with 5% SF, but I will add more orange peel next time (also in the freezer)
Hi Dorado, those are beautiful soaps. I didn't see this post before but I'm glad I did now. Do you add orange peels to the soap fresh or dried out?
Thanks CaraCara
I used fresh very fine grated (organic) orange peels, at light trace.
After nearly 10 month's curingtime:

The soap is lovely - not at all drying, just nice and mild soap, color, bubbles and cream the same but feels softer in a way. :thumbup:

We haven't had any oranges this year, but there are some mandarins,
considering making the same soap but with mandarins.
However, I am in no doubt that the orange / mandarin soap should have as long as curingtime Castillesoap.
I love the patterns on the second lot of round soaps, how did you do it? Was your mold that shape or did you press the patterns on after with a stamp?

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