One for the vampires

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My first attempt at using YDP. I ground it up myself and probably didn't grind it up enough. The oils used were a bit of this and a bit of that, I can't be bothered to post the recipe just now but tbh the quality wasn't what I was aiming for, it was just to try out the YDP and use up oils.

Oh why oh why does my YDP soap bleed? yep, those red spots you can see are weeping with blood just like the virgin mary. :eek:
What is YDP?

I can tell you that most herbs/botanicals bleed somewhat in the soap as the oils in them are slowly released.
Stigmata soap? Well that's just bizarro. Maybe it wasn't mixed enough? I love how they look though. Really organic and natural.
Danielito said:
What is YDP?

I can tell you that most herbs/botanicals bleed somewhat in the soap as the oils in them are slowly released.

YDP= yellow dock root powder.

The pink colour looks quite wild. The camera is on it's way out hence poor quality...yeah blame the camera not the photographer lol