OMG TKB Trading Updated Colors

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2013
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Just a heads up for those that love TKB Trading, they have updated their website and have a bunch of new colors. Many of the colors show an example in Cold Process soap. There is a new line called True, Shimmer Pop and Soapberry. I don't know if the Pops are anything like the missing pop colors, I never had a chance to try them before they disappeared. There were also some other new colors that were listed as soap safe. I think you still need to be careful that it is CP safe.
Thank you!!!

I haven't been on the site for awhile because it's always the same. I'm going to check now. :grin:

It's quite a coincidence you posted about new colorants. Just yesterday I was sorting through supplies and found a partial sample bag of Blueberry POP. I got very excited to have found it, then felt sad because I couldn't get POPs anymore.

eta: How disappointing. The Shimmer Pop Micas are for eyeshadow. They will morph in I'm still sad.
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Hazel, sorry for the false alarm! The yellow and blue pop look like they don't morph, but some of the others will, so they are not the same at all. In my excitement over the new layout, new features, like getting emails returned with a special request, and all of the new types of colors I over reacted.
Hazel, sorry for the false alarm!

Uh you say you're sorry. I don't know. I may forgive you...someday. :lolno:

I don't know about the blue. It has magnesium myristate in it so I wouldn't trust it. The clincher is it did state on the site that it would morph in CP but will retain a level of blueness. I think I'll stick with the Conservatorie's Electric Blue. (Thanks to newbie for sharing it with me. Otherwise, I'd never have ordered it. Also, their micas aren't as expensive. :grin: )

The yellow also has magnesium in it so I'm not sure about it, either.
Thanks for the tips on being stable, I agree The Conservatorie has some of the best prices, and I love their mica. I just wish they would restock many of my favorites that have been out of stock for a few months.
I've got some Nurture Soap micas. I don't remember which yellow it was but one morphed and turned orange. Also, I wouldn't have bought them if I'd know these were the same as BCN's Rainbow micas. I've used those micas before and the pink fades completely. There is also another color which morphs but I don't remember which color I used.
Oops! I'm sorry. I should have double checked before posting. I was just looking at my colorant notes and it wasn't magnesium listed as morphing or fading. It was --> Manganese

However, I still think the blue will alter since it was mentioned on the site.
I used tkbs pops from a month or so ago and they didn't morph. Was a sample kit so I'm not sure if it was new or old pops. Not sure if that helps. I just ordered more because they came out so good! Rats, I hope I have the same formula now.
from what i gather the original Pop micas were discontinued about a year or so ago, so what you have must be the eye shadow powder...from the looks of the formulation ingredients, they have included titanium dioxide, which I use anyway making soap...this gives me hope that it will work, even if I have to use a bit more.

what colors have you had success with & how much did you use ppo?
I coloured a bit heavy and wound up with some pretty funny coloured lather at times! It was my first soap I made. You know, go for the easy stuff first ;) about 1tsp in maybe 1-2 cups of each colour. ImageUploadedBySoap Making1403668490.709416.jpg The blue round thingy is the left over coloured soap.
:thumbup: Looks great! Love the carnival colors! I'm going to order a sample pack of their Pops & Soapberry colors and see how it goes.
rogue -

Your soap is great! So, they didn't morph after all. That's good and I'm interested in hearing if the colors don't fade. I've had some micas fade after approximately 6 months.
Rogue Love your soap, that is a very adventurous soap for a first soap! I still don't understand with all of the demand why the original pops were never made available again or just duplicated. I never tried them, but have been purchasing soap color from TKB for a couple of years.
Some of the matte pops are listed at TKB under soap stable colours.