Okay it is 12/21/12....I am still here....

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Nov 20, 2012
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Just like the Y2K scare years ago we are still here. I did get a big kick out of all the jokes ppl were posting on fb. I still think the Mayans just got tired of counting and chisling their calender into the rocks.
What poet wrote~
This is the way the world ends... not with a bang but a wimper. Y2K morning I woke up to a heavy fog, and those words came to mind. But of course it was not the end. IMO things are going to have to get a lot worse in this world before the end comes. We just think things are bad now....

And I am not really a pessimist. I am an optimist with experience.
I completely forgot about the whole thing until late last night when my 9 yr old daughter kept getting out of bed. She said that she was too scared to sleep. I didn't realize that she'd been secretly fearing this for months :(
Genny said:
I completely forgot about the whole thing until late last night when my 9 yr old daughter kept getting out of bed. She said that she was too scared to sleep. I didn't realize that she'd been secretly fearing this for months :(

Awww poor thing. I couldn't sleep last night either, but it wasn't because of the so-called doomsday prophesies. I was busy researching beer soap and overheated soap during gel stage.
2lilboots said:
Just like the Y2K scare years ago we are still here. I did get a big kick out of all the jokes ppl were posting on fb. I still think the Mayans just got tired of counting and chisling their calender into the rocks.

Thw Mayan calendar didn't actually end on Dec 21. It's a cyclical calendar, meaning that it's "end" simply marks the start of a new cycle. I'm not sure why it got so many doomsday prophesies this year, as it has "ended" before, the last time being in May 2003.

http://bostinno.com/2012/12/04/mayan-ca ... 1599_0__ss
Ruthie said:
What poet wrote~
This is the way the world ends... not with a bang but a wimper.

Excellent quote by T. S. Eliot. He also said "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." I think people got so caught up with the idea of "the end", they overlook that it's also a beginning. I hope it's a beginning to more understanding and compassion in the world.

And I can be very pessimistic at times. :wink: