ok ok getting the courage to cp

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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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I have been toying and talking about making my first batch of cp.

im trying to iron out the last few details. I need some assistance.

I have a pvc pipe, 2ft long, 3 in diam opening. I want to make a 75 evoo, 25 coconut 76 and 5% castor oil.

I want to make a 3lb batch.

I hear the pvc rounds tend to overheat, how do i prevent this ( i do want gel tho)
33% water as percent oils

I am going to do:

Water 15.84 oz
lye 6.6 oz
castor 2.4 oz
coco76 9.6 oz
evoo 36 oz

how much eo should i add to the batch? what do you think of the recipe?
what do you recommend I do for the pvc mold? towles? no towels? leave outside (32f temp atm) for a few?

thanks for your help and input!

I use PVC and have never had trouble with overheating. I think that has more to do with your ingredients than your mold. Though I will say I think the PVC does insulate better which is good if you gel. I usually do though I'm starting to move away from it a bit.

I wrap the bottom with a plastic sandwich bag and a test cap and tape it securely so it doesn't leak. Some people use parafin wax or clay. I usually do 4 at a time and they fit well into a small cardboard box I have. This keeps them upright and easy to carry. When pouring in the soap I use a canning funnel and leave an inch or so for expansion during saponification. I then place a second test cap on top and wrap the whole thing in towels. If you don't want to gel then skip the towels and place in the fridge if you like.

I'm sure some others here will have opinions about your recipe. If it looks good to you in a soap calculator then go for it. You will shortly be hooked and will have many more opportunities to experiment. :)
I notice your lye solution will be about 41-42%. I don't really have enough experience to comment on how that will make your recipe behave and whether that will play any role in overheating with a PVC pipe mold, but I thought I would point it out in case anyone has any input on the hefty water discount on a first batch.

The recommended amount of EO is .5 to 1 oz per pound of oils. I add less than that, but I tend to like a more delicate fragrance.

I think the OO, CO, Castor Oil combo is a good to start out with (yeah, your percentages are actually 75, 20, 5). Have fun and best of luck!
Hi Dalziel - your recipe looks really good - you're running a 5% Lye Discount which is pretty good unless you live in a very dry envirnoment at which point I would recommend that you go up to a 7 - 8% Lye Discount. Your water is at about a 2 1/2% discount - so overall good recipe. Your hardness will 5.8 (good), Fluffy Lather a little low at 4.4, Stable Lather is wonderful at 7.0 and this will be a really moisturizing bar at 7.6.

Please make sure you post pictures.....

bump for courage, getting ready.

got the pots, oils, frag, but the scale is acting up- i think need a better scale and I am going to get 2 instant read theroms, so i am delayed about a week.. :(