Oh husbands!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2012
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I sent mine to the grocery store to pick me up some olive oil (I was a tad short for my recipe) I say to him, make sure you get straight up olive oil. He comes home all proud of himself because he got a big bottle for $6.00! I say to him, great, what's in it..so he flips it over "canola oil and olive oil" *face palm*. My reply is "is that straight olive oil?!" "Oh, you can't use this??" NOPE! Now he's gone back to the store to exchange it for the right thing. Why doesn't he understand if he'd listen he wouldn't have to make two trips?! I love him, he's awesome, but sometimes he listens about as well as our 4 year old daughter!
I think this might be typical of husbands. Seriously, if I send my DH to the store for a particular product I make him text me a picture of it before he buys it just to make sure it's the right one. Well, lately he's gotten to the point where he does this for anything I send him to the store for... he's gotten home too many times with the wrong thing just to face my temper and have to go back again. Aww he's a sweet man.
Um, my partner is the same way :) I send him with a specific list that I have written down things that I want and I never know what I am going to end up with :)
I usually will just grab stuff myself, but I don't drive, the baby was sleeping, and I wanted to make soap now! So I sent him instead of waking the baby, or waiting. He did end up bringing home the right oil after the second trip to the store, so he at least learned his lesson LOL!
After almost 29 years with my guy, I've learned it's just not in his thought process to think about those details. Yet, I know I'd very likely make the same error if I went to Lowes and come to think of it, I have made many a oops when I came home with the wrong item. Yes, we gotta love'em for trying and they love us too..