No IFRA, No Buy?

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Michelle La

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2024
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There’s a website where I’ve been buying fragrance and essential oils from. On most items there’s a link to an IFRA certificate for the given product, but not on all. Am I right to swerve the ones that don’t have this document or is that just super picky and paranoid?

An aside: Spearmint is really 0.30% maximum usage in soap and that’s not a typo?!? That seems awfully low so I didn’t buy it just in case.
There’s a website where I’ve been buying fragrance and essential oils from. On most items there’s a link to an IFRA certificate for the given product, but not on all. Am I right to swerve the ones that don’t have this document or is that just super picky and paranoid?

I would swerve to. If they provide it for some but not all.
An aside: Spearmint is really 0.30% maximum usage in soap and that’s not a typo?!? That seems awfully low so I didn’t buy it just in case.
Bay rum I bought recently has a similarly extremely low safe usage in soap
There’s a website where I’ve been buying fragrance and essential oils from. On most items there’s a link to an IFRA certificate for the given product, but not on all. Am I right to swerve the ones that don’t have this document or is that just super picky and paranoid?

An aside: Spearmint is really 0.30% maximum usage in soap and that’s not a typo?!? That seems awfully low so I didn’t buy it just in case.
I don't buy any fragrances I can't see an IFRA and MSDS for. Maybe I am picky and paranoid but I look at every single one and decide if I want the fragrance or not based on those.
Bay rum I bought recently has a similarly extremely low safe usage in soap

Will you use it mixed with something else, or just hope for the best at the lower rate?

I don't buy any fragrances I can't see an IFRA and MSDS for. Maybe I am picky and paranoid but I look at every single one and decide if I want the fragrance or not based on those.
I can’t lie, I have no clue what the other documents mean when I look at them. It’s just words on a page at this point for me, so I rely solely on the IFRA.
@Michelle La, do you know about It’s a great resource for essential oil blends and usage rates. Just EOs and not FOs though. I make a blend called Rosemary Mint Twist that contains 0.3% spearmint along with Rosemary and Peppermint, it’s amazing. Using spearmint along with other EOs is worth it to me, even at the low usage rate.
@Michelle La, do you know about It’s a great resource for essential oil blends and usage rates. Just EOs and not FOs though. I make a blend called Rosemary Mint Twist that contains 0.3% spearmint along with Rosemary and Peppermint, it’s amazing. Using spearmint along with other EOs is worth it to me, even at the low usage rate.
I reckon that’ll be a handy site for me in the future, thank you. I’m still a little bit too excited to trust myself with annything below 3%, and busy learning what I like together, and I don’t trust myself not to inadvertently throw it in at unacceptable levels. One day maybe 🙂
I reckon that’ll be a handy site for me in the future, thank you. I’m still a little bit too excited to trust myself with annything below 3%, and busy learning what I like together, and I don’t trust myself not to inadvertently throw it in at unacceptable levels. One day maybe 🙂
I have been at this a while but still consider myself a beginner. When testing new combinations, I use toothpicks dipped in the EO and sealed in a jar. It’s not exact but will help give you an idea of what a combination will smell like. As an example, if a blend is 50% of EO A, 25% each of EO B and C, I would use 2 toothpicks dipped to halfway of EO A and 1 each of B and C. Hope that makes sense.
I have been at this a while but still consider myself a beginner. When testing new combinations, I use toothpicks dipped in the EO and sealed in a jar. It’s not exact but will help give you an idea of what a combination will smell like. As an example, if a blend is 50% of EO A, 25% each of EO B and C, I would use 2 toothpicks dipped to halfway of EO A and 1 each of B and C. Hope that makes sense.
You’re a genius, that’s what you are. Thank you! I just took delivery of some essential oils and all my willpower is now being used not to cancel on the friend I’m meeting in 15 minutes so I can stay home and stick toothpicks in jars.

I’ll leave this one for when I get home 😀 IMG_1475.jpeg
Regarding the availability of IFRA documentation for fragrance oils, the only site I've purchased from that didn't post all the IFRAs on their web page is Paris Fragrances ( ). They are a small company and their IFRA page and/or links don't always work. However, any time I've needed a certificate I've emailed to ask and they've sent it along promptly (whether I've purchased anything or not). I imagine there are other small companies that may not have the most up-to-date and functional web pages, but don't think I'd buy a fragrance oil if the info was unavailable even when requested.

But for essential oils, like most everyone, I rely on eocalc and Tisserand & Young. The frequent changes are hard to keep up with, though, and I'm so grateful that eocalc exists!
You’re a genius, that’s what you are. Thank you! I just took delivery of some essential oils and all my willpower is now being used not to cancel on the friend I’m meeting in 15 minutes so I can stay home and stick toothpicks in jars.
Genus, definitely not, I’m sure I got the idea from someone on here. Enabler??? Definitely! 😂

Hope you had a great visit with your friend.
I’ll leave this one for when I get home 😀
Give it at least 24 hours or more to make a decision.
I have been at this a while but still consider myself a beginner. When testing new combinations, I use toothpicks dipped in the EO and sealed in a jar. It’s not exact but will help give you an idea of what a combination will smell like. As an example, if a blend is 50% of EO A, 25% each of EO B and C, I would use 2 toothpicks dipped to halfway of EO A and 1 each of B and C. Hope that makes sense.
I do the same thing but use cotton buds and put them in a freezer bag, then give them a spin.
However, any time I've needed a certificate I've emailed to ask and they've sent it along promptly (whether I've purchased anything or not).

That’s a thought. Will try emailing in future as there’s always a chance they just forgot to upload a particular one.

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