I know I might get into trouble with a few of you vegan people. If you are one of those, please don't read any more. I live on a farm and we have a lot of tallow still walking around on four legs. Anyway, my question is this. How long does tallow keep IN soap? I got just a little bit of suet the other day, since reading where someone else here uses it in soap and loves it. I know how to render it. But while reading about rendering I heard that you should keep it in the refrigerator or that it will keep for about a week at room temperature. This leads me to question how long it will last in soap. Do I want this in my soap? I know things like olive oil will keep for a year or better. What about tallow? I don't want to have to keep my soap in the refrigerator/freezer to keep it from spoiling. Also, about what percentage would I want in soap if I do use it? A large percent or a small percent? What exactly are the benefits of using tallow? How does it act at trace etc? Thanks for any help you can provide!