Newbie Q - Zip Zap Zing

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May 19, 2010
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Just made my first batch of CP soap this past weekend, the 16th. I've unmolded, sliced, and set to cure. I did the "zap" tongue test and not sure what kind of results I'm getting. To me, it seemed like my soap was tart and a metallic sort of taste/sensation. Like if you licked a penny. (not that I suck on pennies as a treat . . . )

It didn't hurt or feel like a jolt from a battery. Maybe the slightest tingle, but that could have been the tartness/metal flavor making my tongue start to water.

I just don't know. I do not want to be discouraged, I really enjoy doing the soap - but nervous nelly here is so afraid that my soap will be lye heavy and I wont recognize what I need to for safety and quality.

Understand exactly what you are saying.....when I first began soaping I used PH strips. What a bother!!! After reading that so many just used the tongue test I decided to go that route. Many soaps I taste tested at first - nothing! I thought I must be doing something wrong. As time passed, I got braver :wink: and tested as soon as it came out of the mold. Finally I understood what everyone had referred to as the "jolt". Just keep on testing and sooner or later you will experience it also.

The fact that you did not get a jolt when you tested would just indicate to me that it was not lye heavy. It will of course mellow as it cures.
You will definatly know when you get a zap!! Funny how important this is to us newbees! I think that was my first question too... :lol:
I think a lot of my soap has a sharp salty taste...sort of. It's hard to describe.
Another way of explaining the feeling of zap is that it makes you feel as though the soap stung or bit you on the tip of your tongue.

IrishLass :)
No this is completely a bitter, tart, metallic tang/twinge. So hard to describe . . . I'm hoping it will just mellow. I'll leave it another week and tongue test again.