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Nov 8, 2010
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Hi, my name is Amy and I am a fairly new soaper.

I started making HP soap (in my crock pot) in October as a fund raiser for a trip to Mayo Clinic. Things took off FAST and I love it so much that I am rolling it into a home based business :) My husband even enjoys making soaps!

Oh, I live in KS ... married ... 4 kids, pets ... busy life :)
Hello New Friends

Just wanted to say hello. I'm from NC and fairly new to soapmaking. So I am appologizing in advance for any crazy, simple questions that I may ask.

I was laid off from a prominent company in May and through all the many resumes's I sent out, I was either too experienced, not enough experience, or didn't want to pay my worth. So while home making my own natural products for myself and family, I decided to take it up a notch. I really like making the CP soaps, although I am still trying to tweak it a bit. Like I haven't found a definite reason for the ash on top of my soap (no Palm Oil), why some came out super hard despite following directions, etc.

I just purchased Soapmaker 3, so I am anxious to get it up and going, thanks to many of your posts I am mostly excited about finding other friends that are doing the same thing. I couldn't afford to have someone build me a website, so I am building it myself. Check out my website that I am building. I have lot's to fix, I know, but maybe some advice on how to make it better or what to add will help.
Hi Amy, welcome to the forum! You will enjoy it here. There is lots of good soap info to learn about.
Re: Hello New Friends

srenee said:
Just wanted to say hello. I'm from NC and fairly new to soapmaking. So I am appologizing in advance for any crazy, simple questions that I may ask.

I was laid off from a prominent company in May and through all the many resumes's I sent out, I was either too experienced, not enough experience, or didn't want to pay my worth. So while home making my own natural products for myself and family, I decided to take it up a notch. I really like making the CP soaps, although I am still trying to tweak it a bit. Like I haven't found a definite reason for the ash on top of my soap (no Palm Oil), why some came out super hard despite following directions, etc.

I just purchased Soapmaker 3, so I am anxious to get it up and going, thanks to many of your posts I am mostly excited about finding other friends that are doing the same thing. I couldn't afford to have someone build me a website, so I am building it myself. Check out my website that I am building. I have lot's to fix, I know, but maybe some advice on how to make it better or what to add will help.

Hi srenee, welcome to the forum. Your website is taking shape. There is lots to learn when starting a business and make soap. You'll find lots of good information here on the Soap Making Forum.
Thank you

Thanks. I didn't know there was so much to getting it publicized. The fun part is making the soap, and the headache is building websites.

Then there's storage forall your I am overrunning my house and I barely got started good. :D

I'm originally from Key West! Wish I was there now. Getting cool here in NC. Which I am struggling to keep my soaps insulated.

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