Well-Known Member
I’ve only been making soap since last July and while each one has been exciting for me, I think this is the first one that makes me feel like I actually know what I’m doing. I used indigo infused olive oil, alkanet root infused OO, and a touch of zinc oxide. For the indigo, I used the oil before shaking for the one section, and for the dark blue I shook it before pouring. At a local grocery store, they have shelves of clearance items at the front of the store. When I walked in, the cashier says everything on those shelves is free, take as much as you want. They had these tomato ties, that are basically little pieces of green pantyhose. I put that over my little strainer to try to keep out the bits of stuff in my infused oils, which worked very well. I goofed up and grabbed the wrong cup and poured some unshaken indigo in the alkanet section. I was afraid I would be disappointed but I’m not at all. I added an extra swirl for part of the loaf just to get two different looks. It’s so hard to wait to test it!